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Automate the Aspects of Your Life That Matter Most with Control4


Start with One Room of Your Home Then Expand Over Time with Smart Automation & Control 

Can Control4 control your coffee pot? It can, but what good does that do your family if you’re all tea drinkers? Smart home devices are ubiquitous, and every aspect of our life seems to have a gadget or gizmo available with the promise of making life simpler. 

Automating your home with smart technologies may seem like an overwhelming venture, but in actuality, you can add Control4 automation and control to any room of the house– there’s no need to completely redesign and rewire the entire property at once! When you work with a professional integration team like Lucent Controls, you’re able to consider aspects of your life that matter the most to you, then we’ll help you make everything more convenient. 

There’s no need to compromise when it comes to the aesthetics of your Ottawa, ON space, either. Keep reading below to learn how an intuitive Control4 smart home automation system can help simplify your lifestyle while adding layers of luxury and comfort. 



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